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How about this little sad and pitiful creature who is called Muru (=dear/darling/... in english). She is just over 3 years now and knows how to receive some petting from us.

For those thinking about, yes it is Coton.


Edited by ArdeFIN
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  • 5 months later...
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Our cat Sultan passed away this afternoon. She was 13 years old. It was a total shock. She had been into the vet several times over the last month. She recently had surgery to remove a mass. We brought her in today because her surgical area was not healing well. We were expecting the vet would look at the surgery site and tell us how it was progressing. They took her in the back and administered anesthesia to look her over. After a long delay the vet came out and said her heart stopped and she wasn’t breathing. They said they’d continue to administer CPR. But, when the vet came back she said Sultan had passed. This was an absolute shock that bowled us over. We’ve had many cats over the years and we’ve dealt with loss. It’s always hard, the worst part of pet ownership. But this was the most unexpected of all of them. We had no inkling that we wouldn’t be bringing her home with us today. We’re totally devastated. She was our beautiful girl. She was a willful child, always doing things her way. We have a younger male, Jethro who is now alone and likely confused as to where his sister is. We also feel guilty that we brought her in and apparently she passed because of the anesthesia. Had we waited a day, two days, a week, would she have been fine? Or was she destined to pass soon. Either way, we wanted more time with her and are devastated. I wish life had an undo button. I would hit it to have her here with us tonight.


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I'll throw some good news in this - 

My 10 year old Sheppard had a huge tumor on her foot that developed this summer. Poor dog had a hard time walking. Vet punted her to hospital that could better handle it.

$6000 later, it's gone. Not cancerous. She's kicking my other dogs asses again like old days. Worth every penny.




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Sorry to hear it @WillyGrips13.    As has been said, there's no good way to say good-bye, but I'm sorry to hear you got blindsided like that, it's especially hard.  Sultan was quite the handsome boy!  It's a little over a year since my wife and I lost the first cat we adopted together, and while it gets easier, we still miss our Vladie boy (Vladimir Katztantinov was his full name). 



On the bright side, we get to see some of the mannerisms of he and our other kitty Jak who passed a few years back live on in these two hooligans (who are nowhere near as sweet as they look in that pic):



Edited by Puckstopper
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I missed this thread, so hello.... my heart goes out to everyone. So sad, the beautiful cats, and dogs, bunnies. 

I been around cats most of my life, from growing up in Israel they just run around and become your pet.  Every time I visit I bring food.  I have already lost 4, and it's so tough. 

When I moved to Toronto back in 94-95 our neighbor handed us a cat which we loved, years passed and he got weaker, were able to save him for but 5-6 months but he he lost his bone mass, got weaker and couldn't walk so we had to put him down. 

Lster on my sister got a Persian cat and she had kittiens, we kept two.  One swallowed a needle by mistake (Milka) which we had to operate on, knock on wood was all but success. Her brother (Simon) the only pure grey one that cane out and with the best personality had leukemia, passed in my arms when he was 8, I came back from co-op and he decided to wait. Mom made is to 20 and she passed 2 years ago, got old and weak. Milka (needle eater) passed last year and made it to 20 as well.  Really disturbing though, she also got weak but I noticed a bump near her bum area. A few days later it opened and it was filled with warms and maggots, her body couldn't fight it out I guess... and I had to put her down. 

From 3 cats I was now down to 1, Jessie, he's 12 and been through a lot. Developed high sugar, which developed to Neuropathy and him not being able to walk properly or jump. He ate a lot, but is just a big structured cat and was around 25 pounds.  A miracle drug I found saved him, he does get insulin and on a good diet. Recently though a big cyst opened up under his chin, a size of a toonie so I'm dealing with that.  Scary. He's a hunter for sure, roams the yard, and already brought 5 mice to date, and baby birds. 

I'm totally an animal lover, and they deserve so much more ❤️

JESSIE below. 





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"Vladimir Katztantinov"

Best. Pet. Name. Ever.


17 hours ago, Puckstopper said:

Sorry to hear it @WillyGrips13.    As has been said, there's no good way to say good-bye, but I'm sorry to hear you got blindsided like that, it's especially hard.  Sultan was quite the handsome boy!  It's a little over a year since my wife and I lost the first cat we adopted together, and while it gets easier, we still miss our Vladie boy (Vladimir Katztantinov was his full name). 



On the bright side, we get to see some of the mannerisms of he and our other kitty Jak who passed a few years back live on in these two hooligans (who are nowhere near as sweet as they look in that pic):




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