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Tryouts for a team- What not to do/ what to do


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11 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

- Mock everyone
- Show up late
- Don't Try
- Get mad at defense in drills
- Make routine saves look dramatic

- Make friends
- Listen to the coach
- Give 100%
- Enjoy the time on the ice
- Learn from other goalies that are there
- Use the time to improve on your own game

lol im serious what should i do im super nervous and want to make it really bad and wanna do everything possible to make them

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One thing I learned, don’t show frustration, be calm.

If you let in a few bad goals, just laugh it off and keep playing. It’s meant to be fun after all.

If there’s returning goalies, don’t expect to make the team. But if you have a good showing you could get the call of an injury happens. Just be a good team player

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11 minutes ago, Naz said:

Do - stop the puck
Don't - be a douche

This is seriously the best advise on the thread.

For NCAA D3 in college, I had a coach tell me during the tryout...

"As long I kept the puck out of the net, I don't care what technique you use. You also better not get campus security involved in an extra curricular activities on the weekend"

Unless you have a very savy coach, he won't care if you stop the puck like Hasek or Cary Price. They are probably just going to see if anyone looks like a Sieve.

On the social side, do you know the existing guys on the team? Are you friendly with them? Have you skated with them before?

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Be efficient.  Composed. Calm.  Social.  Friendly.  Appreciative. Humble. Astute.  Responsive to coaching.  Determined

Playing better than the other goalies would help, for sure.  Being a better person is probably more important.  Show them you have the personality to be a good teammate and that you can improve and learn from your mistakes. 

Tell EVERYONE all regulars on here have your back :)

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3 minutes ago, Naz said:

Do - stop the puck
Don't - be a douche

ok thank you

1 minute ago, coopaloop1234 said:

Do what I listed, but just in reverse.

Go out there and try your hardest and be a good teammate.

ok will do thanks.

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8 minutes ago, Matt30 said:

One thing I learned, don’t show frustration, be calm.

If you let in a few bad goals, just laugh it off and keep playing. It’s meant to be fun after all.

If there’s returning goalies, don’t expect to make the team. But if you have a good showing you could get the call of an injury happens. Just be a good team player

yeah i keep my calm mainly but ive had my moments (like everyone) but i tend to be more calm, or at least try to

and about returning goalies, I know of 1 on  the team rn thats trying out again, but im not sure about another one. My team is a combined team of 2 towns so there could be a goalie in the other town im not aware of. i hope i can make it though

3 minutes ago, TheGoalNet said:

This is seriously the best advise on the thread.

For NCAA D3 in college, I had a coach tell me during the tryout...

"As long I kept the puck out of the net, I don't care what technique you use. You also better not get campus security involved in an extra curricular activities on the weekend"

Unless you have a very savy coach, he won't care if you stop the puck like Hasek or Cary Price. They are probably just going to see if anyone looks like a Sieve.

On the social side, do you know the existing guys on the team? Are you friendly with them? Have you skated with them before?

yeah i know a bunch of them, the league i play in rn is a league that all the HS teams play in as practice league and i play on a team w a bunch of the guys on the team im trying out for which is really nice. im friendly with a bunch of them, as i do go to school w some of them. the team is combined 2 towns so idk all of them 

3 minutes ago, seagoal said:

Be efficient.  Composed. Calm.  Social.  Friendly.  Appreciative. Humble. Astute.  Responsive to coaching.  Determined

Playing better than the other goalies would help, for sure.  Being a better person is probably more important.  Show them you have the personality to be a good teammate and that you can improve and learn from your mistakes. 

Tell EVERYONE all regulars on here have your back :)

thanks :) i try to be a good teammate/person aswell as a good player and help the team(s) asmuch as i can 

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Just be calm, be confident and play your best.

When I was in high school there was about 6 goalies in my school and grade that showed up for that. About 16 goalies that played for the towns housleauge and then the usual rep goalie pairs for my age group. My dad always told me to pack practice/ blank jerseys (light and dark)so they know who plays lower lvl. Not to discourage but with the amount of goalies that go and tryout there's a fair bit of polotics that follow (At least in my area). One year a housleauge goalie earned the spot and beat a few rep goalies to it, anything could happen.

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Not much to say beyond what others have said, but...

Not sure if there will be an opportunity to display this in a tryout, but one thing that will impress coaches is a willingness to learn and improve. If you get sniped a few times on your right side, practice some half butterflies to that side or something (don't make a big show of it). If they're trying to decide between you and another goalie and they're not particularly hot on either of you, they're going to lean towards the goalie who's willing to put in the work, and try to improve. Show that you possess the will to work and get better. Then when they think about picking you, they'll have a feeling they're not just getting you as you are... they're getting a kid who will be even better a few months from now.

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You're going to get scored on so just be ready to move on to the next shot. Tryouts are weird because its not all scrimmaging and it can feel like "practice" at certain points given all skating and shooting drills going on. Try to keep a game mentality on the drills portion especially. Scrimmage is easy, it is a game.

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46 minutes ago, itis121 said:

Just be calm, be confident and play your best.

When I was in high school there was about 6 goalies in my school and grade that showed up for that. About 16 goalies that played for the towns housleauge and then the usual rep goalie pairs for my age group. My dad always told me to pack practice/ blank jerseys (light and dark)so they know who plays lower lvl. Not to discourage but with the amount of goalies that go and tryout there's a fair bit of polotics that follow (At least in my area). One year a housleauge goalie earned the spot and beat a few rep goalies to it, anything could happen.

yeah theres a similar situation where i am, lot of goalies in the houselague

39 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

Like Bears coach Matt Nagy has it on his weekly play sheet.  

“Be You”

lots of other good advice here.  

Good luck 

thank you!

25 minutes ago, stackem30 said:

Not much to say beyond what others have said, but...

Not sure if there will be an opportunity to display this in a tryout, but one thing that will impress coaches is a willingness to learn and improve. If you get sniped a few times on your right side, practice some half butterflies to that side or something (don't make a big show of it). If they're trying to decide between you and another goalie and they're not particularly hot on either of you, they're going to lean towards the goalie who's willing to put in the work, and try to improve. Show that you possess the will to work and get better. Then when they think about picking you, they'll have a feeling they're not just getting you as you are... they're getting a kid who will be even better a few months from now.

thats a good idea, i will forsure try to get that across to coach (willignes to improve).

4 minutes ago, dstew29 said:

You're going to get scored on so just be ready to move on to the next shot. Tryouts are weird because its not all scrimmaging and it can feel like "practice" at certain points given all skating and shooting drills going on. Try to keep a game mentality on the drills portion especially. Scrimmage is easy, it is a game.

thank you   will do that 

as for the scrimages they definetly  are like a game

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6 minutes ago, stackem30 said:

Just do your best, man. If you do that, everything else completely out of your control. And there's no point in stressing over what you cannot control. 

yeah i will do my best i was wondering if there was any tips anyone had as i havent had tryout for a team before

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In all seriousness, there isn't much to add to this thread at this point.  A lot of solid advice.  Just do your best and try not to get nervous.  If you let in a goal just get set for the next shot.  Make it look like it doesn't bother you but don't be too nonchalant to the point it looks like you don't care either.  Be respectful to the coaches.  Always answer yes coach/no coach, or sir.  Help collect pucks, offer a drink from your bottle if someone needs it, go out of your way to make yourself stand out as a person not just a goalie.  Good luck

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@Max27 I'm probably not saying anything that hasn't been said before... but for what it's worth...

  1. Stop the puck. Regardless of how it gets to you, D man made a mistake, great move by a Forward... your first job is stop the puck. Let coach criticize how 
  2. Keep Cool. Something goes in, or you make a great save... treat both the same. Calm and cool.
  3. Communicate. You may not know everyone, upperclassmen etc. doesn't matter. Good communication w/ everyone.
  4. Have Fun, it's contagious. Take a page from Fleury and just be yourself. Don't loose your focus but have fun. How you get along w/ everyone is important. No need to be "that goalie" who guys feel is weird and can't talk to. You love the game and gear, enjoy the experience.
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5 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

Do not suck
Don't suck


5 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

In all seriousness, there isn't much to add to this thread at this point.  A lot of solid advice.  Just do your best and try not to get nervous.  If you let in a goal just get set for the next shot.  Make it look like it doesn't bother you but don't be too nonchalant to the point it looks like you don't care either.  Be respectful to the coaches.  Always answer yes coach/no coach, or sir.  Help collect pucks, offer a drink from your bottle if someone needs it, go out of your way to make yourself stand out as a person not just a goalie.  Good luck

will do, thank you :) i try to do the things you mentioned at the end abt the puck collecting and offer waters whenever i can, seems to go over really well.

4 hours ago, BadAngle41 said:

@Max27 I'm probably not saying anything that hasn't been said before... but for what it's worth...

  1. Stop the puck. Regardless of how it gets to you, D man made a mistake, great move by a Forward... your first job is stop the puck. Let coach criticize how 
  2. Keep Cool. Something goes in, or you make a great save... treat both the same. Calm and cool.
  3. Communicate. You may not know everyone, upperclassmen etc. doesn't matter. Good communication w/ everyone.
  4. Have Fun, it's contagious. Take a page from Fleury and just be yourself. Don't loose your focus but have fun. How you get along w/ everyone is important. No need to be "that goalie" who guys feel is weird and can't talk to. You love the game and gear, enjoy the experience.

i will remember that when tryouts roll around. thank you and thank you to every one else again :) 

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