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EcoProFoam Neck Guard Initial Impressions


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I've had one skate in this so far, so here are some early impressions. 

I haven't worn a neck guard in 13 years, so the initial feeling was a concern. My neck measures 16 inches and I got the size medium, which puts me at the top end of the size range, but I can wear it either fully snug or looser with the amount of Velcro to play with. 

I switched out my padded Bauer base layer shirt for one without any padding (but bonus grippy elbows) because of how it fit stacked up inside my c/a. It felt surprisingly comfortable given my 2S c/a is only 2 skates old so I'm still breaking it in and everything is still settling. I was definitely aware of it though. 

The entire thing is vented with holes for anyone worried about it being hot. I sweat like crazy anyway, so I can't really tell when something is actually hot while I play, everything is drenched in sweat by the end anyway. It did dry out nicely by the next day, so I don't think there are any moisture retention concerns. And the holes don't seem to affect the overall stability, it doesn't feel flimsy by any means. 

Overall, any initial discomfort I am currently chalking up to 13 years without anything around my neck and the brand new c/a. We won the game and I didn't notice it at all during play. It was also my first game ever without a dangler which felt preeeeeeeettty sweeeeeet. 








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They are nice don't get me wrong but I just can fathom spending $200+ on a neck guard with zero kevlar/cut resistant material in it. Also the outer material used what ever it is, needs to be improved for more durability. I had one of the original Maltese neck guards as I jumped on the band wagon  when they got really rave reviews on the gsbb but mine never last more then a year before the material on the neck area wore through in spots. If they brought them down to the $100 range I might actually buy one but right now I have an Aegis goalie neck guard that is working well for me.

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I think these look so much nicer than the Maltese counterparts.  I love that they don't have the "cape" on the back that Maltese has.  

15 minutes ago, Snowman30 said:

They are nice don't get me wrong but I just can fathom spending $200+ on a neck guard with zero kevlar/cut resistant material in it. Also the outer material used what ever it is, needs to be improved for more durability. I had one of the original Maltese neck guards as I jumped on the band wagon  when they got really rave reviews on the gsbb but mine never last more then a year before the material on the neck area wore through in spots. If they brought them down to the $100 range I might actually buy one but right now I have an Aegis goalie neck guard that is working well for me.

I've had my Maltese since, idk, 2010?  2011?  2012?  Something like that.  Whatever the first year was that they debuted the first gel foam stuff.  I've had 0 durability issues with it until the last few months where some seems have popped.

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20 minutes ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

I think these look so much nicer than the Maltese counterparts.  I love that they don't have the "cape" on the back that Maltese has.  

I've had my Maltese since, idk, 2010?  2011?  2012?  Something like that.  Whatever the first year was that they debuted the first gel foam stuff.  I've had 0 durability issues with it until the last few months where some seems have popped.

That was what I couldn't figure some guys have had no issues but mine I ended up wearing through the material along the front area after a season of use. I asked for a replacement back then as I figured it was maybe a problem with materials but was told there was nothing to be done. I was out the $125 I paid and i had to go buy another brand.  

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7 minutes ago, Snowman30 said:

That was what I couldn't figure some guys have had no issues but mine I ended up wearing through the material along the front area after a season of use. I asked for a replacement back then as I figured it was maybe a problem with materials but was told there was nothing to be done. I was out the $125 I paid and i had to go buy another brand.  

That sucks.

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2 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

Is this something you'd be doing yourself?

Yeah. I can’t imagine it would be too hard to cut some new fabric out of like an UA type shirt and just reuse the foams. I just didn’t know if Maltese had a shelf life where it starts to harden up or become brittle. 

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21 minutes ago, wox33 said:

Yeah. I can’t imagine it would be too hard to cut some new fabric out of like an UA type shirt and just reuse the foams. I just didn’t know if Maltese had a shelf life where it starts to harden up or become brittle. 

Wox, my original maltese collar is still going strong at 12 years old. I put a cooling towel shell on it recently due to the velcro wearing out.

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27 minutes ago, wox33 said:

Yeah. I can’t imagine it would be too hard to cut some new fabric out of like an UA type shirt and just reuse the foams. I just didn’t know if Maltese had a shelf life where it starts to harden up or become brittle. 

Fuck man if you can sew well enough to do this on your own then definitely give it a shot!  The whole process would make a nice thread in the mods section that's for sure.

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Well if people are still rocking them after ten plus years I may just have to try it. I probably won’t be back to Minneapolis for a few weeks but if it’s still there when I am I’ll grab it. And to be clear I’ll be buying all the supplies and then getting in the way while my wife does all the actual sewing and skill work. 

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2 minutes ago, wox33 said:

Well if people are still rocking them after ten plus years I may just have to try it. I probably won’t be back to Minneapolis for a few weeks but if it’s still there when I am I’ll grab it. And to be clear I’ll be buying all the supplies and then getting in the way while my wife does all the actual sewing and skill work. 

Would be cool to use a Bauer 37.5 shirt material, although admittedly it doesn't feel quite as nice as a more typical under armour spandex

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I got my Maltese off one of our GSBB brothers, Mr Shamwow I believe (his username escapes me...sorry bro :o ), that was a good 10 years ago I think. Still going good. Had to redo the velcro only and will be due again soon. Not sure if it has a skate safe type material in it but it sure saved me on puck shots and stick slashes.

The Ecofoam might eventually go down in price, or at least like @SaveByRichter35 said, adding a kevlar layer would be cool. In any case, it looks pretty sweet as is.

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1 hour ago, wox33 said:

Well if people are still rocking them after ten plus years I may just have to try it. I probably won’t be back to Minneapolis for a few weeks but if it’s still there when I am I’ll grab it. And to be clear I’ll be buying all the supplies and then getting in the way while my wife does all the actual sewing and skill work

Hahaha even better

1 hour ago, RichMan said:

I got my Maltese off one of our GSBB brothers, Mr Shamwow I believe (his username escapes me...sorry bro :o ), that was a good 10 years ago I think. Still going good. Had to redo the velcro only and will be due again soon. Not sure if it has a skate safe type material in it but it sure saved me on puck shots and stick slashes.

The Ecofoam might eventually go down in price, or at least like @SaveByRichter35 said, adding a kevlar layer would be cool. In any case, it looks pretty sweet as is.

That was Jim

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