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What’s in a pad


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to everyone who wanted to know what Brian's Fly Core looks like, but was afraid to ask)




at the same time, the core is very similar to the core of Duane Roloson at the beginning of the centurykeith-perera.jpg.6541164dbeb4822914934221240d4e38.jpg.453936bd664977380ed0cf7f7427d1eb.jpg

Edited by ser33
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On 4/19/2021 at 3:16 AM, ser33 said:

at the same time, the core is very similar to the core of Duane Roloson at the beginning of the centurykeith-perera.jpg.6541164dbeb4822914934221240d4e38.jpg.453936bd664977380ed0cf7f7427d1eb.jpg

In fact, the core on that picture is from a retail Warrior Messiah, the Roloson pad was different from that

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14 minutes ago, Chenner29 said:


There's gotta be a good story behind this oven/stove sitting in the middle of the production floor
I think my parents have the same one, @ZeroGravitas can you confirm?

Well they do recommend and advertise baking their trappers ("Heat Moldable")....if I remember correctly it's 180 degrees for 6 minutes...I'd have to look it up.  Maybe for testing that?  Or, maybe for making cookies and meatloaf too, who knows. 

Edited by seagoal
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I have taken many pairs of pads apart over the years.  I have seen people using foam house insulation for pad cores! Not quite (at all!) Zote foam. The foams that should be used are purpose-built foams for protective equipment. Of course back in the day, the foam worms weren’t much more than foam sheet packing insulation run through a shredder! When shredded, it becomes quite dense for good protective characteristics with dead-ish rebounds. 

Foam is a strange composite material that by itself, it is quite wimpy, but when part of a reinforcement, whether inside of a skin (like a pad or blocker) or the material inside of a composite structure, is quite strong. It’s a quite symbiotic relationship as both parts need each other to work. As it is becoming more and more optically acceptable, with the use of stiffer foams combined with composites and maybe even whipped foam (Kemmler style “gel”), we could see even thinner pads. I tested a pad that I had rebuilt that tapered to 3/4” at the thigh and kept it’s shape whilst being played by an NCAA goalie working out with his team!

I am working on re-coreing a pad to have the following characteristics: stiff at the thigh, good seal on the ice, but pillowy, DEAD rebounds at the shin. This will be a very strange looking pad, for certain. 

@ser33Thanks for sharing the “inside baseball” stuff here!

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