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What cup do you use? Protecting the family jewels


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Over the last few years I’ve been transitioning to senior gear and one of the pieces that I painfully overlooked was my cup....I currently have an intermediate Bauer reactor cup, and to be blatant, not much fits in the cup...it’s kinda just sitting there in front of my junk...I don’t take a shot to the nuts often but a few nights ago I took one that got tipped square off the cup, which got jammed back into my nuts and It wasn’t pleasant....anyways so what cups do you guys use and do you like them? Any complaints? Thanks

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I have the Warrior Jock. 

Big fan of it. Great protection, good comfort, and lightweight. @Kirk3190 and the Warrior team have a nice product here. 

May complaint probably hits a very SMALL number of people... 

I’ve worn this with CCM 420 and CCM HPG 12 Pants, Brian’s GNetik C&A, and Vaughn V6 with this unit. I tuck my C&A

There’s ridge on the top of the jock that is designed to be more ergonomic in the stance. 

However, when I’d make the occasional sprawling J.Quick save, it would get caught in my GNetik C&A. The C&A would be out of whack for the rest of the game. This was once every few skates. 

With the V6, it’s much shorter. There is minimal overlap between the Cup and stomach piece. The issue went away. 

So the only time I’d caution someone away from this unit? If you have a long C&A, tuck, and make a lot of sprawling saves. A unit that is flat on top might be be a better choice for you 



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2 hours ago, estogoalie said:

John Brown JB2000, tons of protection, but still mobile. I love it. Costs a little under $100 iirc, you have to email him, he will send you an order form:


I have whatever the larger model is but I can’t wear it because it won’t fit inside my pants. Sucks to spend that much money on something and never once get to wear it, since nobody is going to buy a jock - even an unused one.

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1 hour ago, IPv6Freely said:

I have whatever the larger model is but I can’t wear it because it won’t fit inside my pants. Sucks to spend that much money on something and never once get to wear it, since nobody is going to buy a jock - even an unused one.

Throw it on eBay, it will sell. Especially if it’s just gathering dust, just throw it on there for $1 and see what the bidding be gets up to 

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9 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

I have whatever the larger model is but I can’t wear it because it won’t fit inside my pants. Sucks to spend that much money on something and never once get to wear it, since nobody is going to buy a jock - even an unused one.

WHat do you mean, Japanese business men pay top dollar for used jocks...haha ;) Yea, the Brown jocks are pretty big, but I don't have any problem fitting them in my pants (TPS GP104). I got some new Brian's pants, didn't try with that yet...hmmm...maybe I should

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