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Covid-19 – The Steps Back to the Ice


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Funny – I was thinking about this thread this morning and then after ~ 4 weeks it comes up again. So it must by the omen that I should write what I was thinking about.

I am wondering about the return rate. Some here have already hit the ice again, some probably never left. For me it has been 3 games in the past year+ (last regular game was 8 Mar-20.).

I would first say this is an “older-persons’” issue, but comments by @SaveByRichter35 make me think maybe not. While I am mentally chomping at the bit to go back, it’s not always so easy to get off the couch once you’ve had too big a supper and the rain or snow is falling and…  I also have concerns about what the year layoff has done to my game. Even though I have sent a fair bit of time over the last year analyzing my game and determining key aspects to modify that would probably improve my game drastically – thinking and doing are two separate things.

Don’ get me wrong, I am going to get out there, but I wonder what toll the break will take on me. I played 8 seasons straight, winter through summer (actually played more summer games some years than winter) for the sole reason that I knew too long a layoff would be death (shark not swimming analogy).

I am wondering what kind of attrition rate we will see among goalies who, like me had too much time to think…

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I played some pick up public games back in the fall, in net.  End of October was my last game.  I was also skating out in a 'league' up until Thanksgiving, when our state Gov put a lockdown on sports.

Since then I did put the pads on one evening over the winter and my took some shots from my kid, down at the local outdoor rink.  Actually got a pretty good workout that day.

Our local organizations did start their adult hockey programs back up, but I chose not to start back up, when the policies were that all players had to mask even while playing, and no locker rooms so players had to dress at home/in the parking lot before entering.  Winter in Minnesota was enough to discourage me from being part of that.  I was not thrilled about the mask part but understand and agree with it to be honest.  But the unpredictable-ness of winter weather kept me from going back to play on a regular basis.  Even as a skater, I didn't see a way that I was going to embrace the lack of indoor space to get geared up before the game.

With that said, things have loosened up as far as the restrictions, as the current session has progressed.  Certain arenas opened up a bit more than others.  And I really got to missing being on the ice in skater or goalie gear.

The league that I played in last fall, posted up that they were in need of a sub goalie just this last week.   Combination of missing play, and missing seeing those people, I threw took the opportunity to sub in goal.  Rink allows goalies in and to use the locker room, but only 15 minutes ahead of game start.  Skaters get 10 minutes locker room time.  And they enforce this strictly.

Stood at the door when my watch and the attendant's watch did not match up exactly.  16 minutes, you do NOT go in.  Silly, that a matter of seconds makes a difference, but whatever.

I had gone thru in my head how to most effectively get all of the gear on as quick as possible, not my usual approach to a game, but made do. Will note that in hindsight, the knee pads should have gone on before breezers.  That choice robbed me of any pre-game warmup, I was on the ice as they were gathering up the warmup pucks.

Honestly, playing the game with a mask on was not bad.  It did keep me from water breaks when the play was in the other end of the rink, as the helmet had to come off to move mask to drink water.  Found that 17 minutes running time, I got really thirsty at around 15 minutes down, so the last couple minutes I was anxiously watching the clock.

Players were mostly masked up.  Saw a couple that hung something under their chin, but most followed the rules.

I had a blast, and played well enough to pick up the win, to the surprise of a few, who only know me as a skater.  It really got me wanting to get back to playing, but I have a couple things, being old, high blood pressure and a little diabetic, those factors have me concerned until I have a chance to get the vaccinations.  I will hold off from committing to a regular schedule and weekly locker room exposure until I get the shots, I'm thinking.  But seeing that 'light at the end of the tunnel' finally, and a return to regular ice times in the not so distant future.

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2 hours ago, Colander said:

Funny – I was thinking about this thread this morning and then after ~ 4 weeks it comes up again. So it must by the omen that I should write what I was thinking about.


I am wondering about the return rate. Some here have already hit the ice again, some probably never left. For me it has been 3 games in the past year+ (last regular game was 8 Mar-20.).


I would first say this is an “older-persons’” issue, but comments by @SaveByRichter35 make me think maybe not. While I am mentally chomping at the bit to go back, it’s not always so easy to get off the couch once you’ve had too big a supper and the rain or snow is falling and…  I also have concerns about what the year layoff has done to my game. Even though I have sent a fair bit of time over the last year analyzing my game and determining key aspects to modify that would probably improve my game drastically – thinking and doing are two separate things.


Don’ get me wrong, I am going to get out there, but I wonder what toll the break will take on me. I played 8 seasons straight, winter through summer (actually played more summer games some years than winter) for the sole reason that I knew too long a layoff would be death (shark not swimming analogy).


I am wondering what kind of attrition rate we will see among goalies who, like me had too much time to think…


I've been out a season (almost 2) before because of an injury. Covid is not my fault and I can't do much about it. Things on the Gatineau Quebec side are still not open. On the Ottawa Ontario side, things are rolling hard with all the new rules, but most games are at night and the province of Quebec has a 9h30 curfew that I can't ignore. The fine is too salty to take the chance. I usually run as well, all season and the lack of playing hockey through winter has just about snuffed whatever is left of my athletic fire. Add on top of that being laid off a month ago. I wouldn't say I'm depressed but just tinkering with the gear and doing Maria's b-fly challenge and watching the Habs games is just not quite enough to fill that void I'm feeling. 

1 hour ago, TDS-MN said:

I played some pick up public games back in the fall, in net.  End of October was my last game.  I was also skating out in a 'league' up until Thanksgiving, when our state Gov put a lockdown on sports.

Since then I did put the pads on one evening over the winter and my took some shots from my kid, down at the local outdoor rink.  Actually got a pretty good workout that day.

Our local organizations did start their adult hockey programs back up, but I chose not to start back up, when the policies were that all players had to mask even while playing, and no locker rooms so players had to dress at home/in the parking lot before entering.  Winter in Minnesota was enough to discourage me from being part of that.  I was not thrilled about the mask part but understand and agree with it to be honest.  But the unpredictable-ness of winter weather kept me from going back to play on a regular basis.  Even as a skater, I didn't see a way that I was going to embrace the lack of indoor space to get geared up before the game.

With that said, things have loosened up as far as the restrictions, as the current session has progressed.  Certain arenas opened up a bit more than others.  And I really got to missing being on the ice in skater or goalie gear.

The league that I played in last fall, posted up that they were in need of a sub goalie just this last week.   Combination of missing play, and missing seeing those people, I threw took the opportunity to sub in goal.  Rink allows goalies in and to use the locker room, but only 15 minutes ahead of game start.  Skaters get 10 minutes locker room time.  And they enforce this strictly.

Stood at the door when my watch and the attendant's watch did not match up exactly.  16 minutes, you do NOT go in.  Silly, that a matter of seconds makes a difference, but whatever.

I had gone thru in my head how to most effectively get all of the gear on as quick as possible, not my usual approach to a game, but made do. Will note that in hindsight, the knee pads should have gone on before breezers.  That choice robbed me of any pre-game warmup, I was on the ice as they were gathering up the warmup pucks.

Honestly, playing the game with a mask on was not bad.  It did keep me from water breaks when the play was in the other end of the rink, as the helmet had to come off to move mask to drink water.  Found that 17 minutes running time, I got really thirsty at around 15 minutes down, so the last couple minutes I was anxiously watching the clock.

Players were mostly masked up.  Saw a couple that hung something under their chin, but most followed the rules.

I had a blast, and played well enough to pick up the win, to the surprise of a few, who only know me as a skater.  It really got me wanting to get back to playing, but I have a couple things, being old, high blood pressure and a little diabetic, those factors have me concerned until I have a chance to get the vaccinations.  I will hold off from committing to a regular schedule and weekly locker room exposure until I get the shots, I'm thinking.  But seeing that 'light at the end of the tunnel' finally, and a return to regular ice times in the not so distant future.

The mask and new rules and all that, it has me wondering how much can I actually enjoy the game because of that. I sip water every whistle, can't do that with a mask. Quebec winters, dressing outside, NOPE! Driving to the rink half suited up in a regular sedan, I barely feel comfortable with normal close with my 6'2 frame. I even wonder if the rules are over exaggerated. 

36 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

I’ve been flirting with a return once in a while. Maybe this fall (21) or (22) if things get back to normal.  But if they aren’t, I’ll keep it on the shelf.    

The itch to buy some gear is getting louder.  

I hear you loud and clear on this one!

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The 14th of March was the end of our fall season. We had 15 games and playoffs (double elim)


Players enter 15min prior to game time

Goalies enter 30min prior to game time

Locker rooms, but no showers. ALL participants are out 15min after game time

Mask to enter facility and to move about facility (everyone knows, no disease/virus can pass through a helmets cage, it's a scientific fact).

Honestly, it sucked, but it is what it is. I'm an early person, like to get there an hour before and take my time (both as a skater and goalie), but couldn't do that. So I'd get there early and drink beer in my truck till I could go in. As a coach, since all I put on is skates, shins, and helm, it's not bad. But at the same time, as a coach, not having your people on the ice because they don't understand the concept of HURRY, is a pain in the arse.


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I'm in NJ.

So my kids have played all year for the most part. Rules will vary by rink. My home rink lets the kids dress in the rink but spread out around the outside of the rinks. No lockerooms yet. But everyone can come in and watch now, so you have kids getting dressed right in the common areas and you now have to wade through bags and gear.

The smell. My oldest is in High School now, so add smelly teenagers to their gear. Brutal.

Men's leagues are somewhat in the lockerooms. It's 50/50. 

Our rink is understaffed to say the least, so nobody is enforcing rules. The only people there are the kids who run the zamboni.

Other local rinks are. Same 15/30 minute rule for players entering. But they have actual staff working there.

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18 hours ago, Colander said:



I am wondering what kind of attrition rate we will see among goalies who, like me had too much time to think…


Valid point. From my perspective it has more to do with age and fitness level. My mind, with its  desire to play, may be let down by my ageing body.

Heading into last season I was so prepped to play, even with COVID-19 restrictions.  My body was ready for another season of hockey after a spring and summer of much bicycling, golf (walk 18 holes 3-4 times per week), yoga and eating only home cooked food (the temptation to eat out had been removed).

It was a short, 10 game season for this guy. Will the same sort of exercise and eating be sufficient to get my 70+ body, now a year older, fit to play in September 2021? In my younger years this was not a major concern. Now it is.

"Unleash the hounds, his Harrison mask will be up for sale." No effin' way.

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On 3/15/2021 at 8:20 PM, Colander said:

Funny – I was thinking about this thread this morning and then after ~ 4 weeks it comes up again. So it must by the omen that I should write what I was thinking about.

I am wondering about the return rate. Some here have already hit the ice again, some probably never left. For me it has been 3 games in the past year+ (last regular game was 8 Mar-20.).

I would first say this is an “older-persons’” issue, but comments by @SaveByRichter35 make me think maybe not. While I am mentally chomping at the bit to go back, it’s not always so easy to get off the couch once you’ve had too big a supper and the rain or snow is falling and…  I also have concerns about what the year layoff has done to my game. Even though I have sent a fair bit of time over the last year analyzing my game and determining key aspects to modify that would probably improve my game drastically – thinking and doing are two separate things.

Don’ get me wrong, I am going to get out there, but I wonder what toll the break will take on me. I played 8 seasons straight, winter through summer (actually played more summer games some years than winter) for the sole reason that I knew too long a layoff would be death (shark not swimming analogy).

I am wondering what kind of attrition rate we will see among goalies who, like me had too much time to think…

This isn't an age thing.  This is a comfort thing.  A mental thing.  I kinda took a complete 180 in the last month.  I went from not wanting to get off my ass and contemplating to go to hockey to not wanting to get off my ass and actually wanting to play...a lot lol.  I am back full time with my team.  And I was finally able to skate with my 2nd team for the first time since I joined in November(long story).  I still don't look forward to getting off my ass and packing my gear and lugging it to the car but once I have it in the car I feel great lol.  

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Agreed - the struggle is ALWAYS getting there (and then its fine once you do). This is part of why I play net - it forces me to go. A skater can always (and frequently does) bail at the last minute but if you're a keeper (and give a shit) you can't let down 20-ish guys for a 10 o'clock game.

Edited by chile57
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I've played zero games in the past year but got to play a few pick-up games and practices over the past summer before everything shut down again. 

Our league opened up again about 3 or 4 weeks ago for a short mini-season with 6 games + playoffs, but they required wearing a face mask while playing for all players and of course not locker rooms, no handshakes, etc. 

Just yesterday we got an update the this current mini-season will be immediately followed by another mini-season with the same requirements. After that our normal summer season is slated for June with no word as of now on what the requirements will be.

I opted out of the current mini-season and will do so again for the next one.  I will not play with a face mask on, primarily for just practical reasons.  I'm hoping that by the time the summer season comes around in June we can play without face masks. 

I would have played in our current season, for sure, if we could do so without a face mask.  I get emailed to sub in games about 4-6 times a week.  Apparently, they got a good bunch of teams together but many of them have no goalies and they are having a hard time getting goalies to play with these rules.

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Struggle is real for some.

For what its worth - I've been playing all the while with the goalie-centric CCM mask with no issues. Sure - a little inconvenient but no real issues like popping up/into line of vision or anything like that.

Honestly the only reason I notice it is because I can't take a drink through my cage anymore. 

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10 minutes ago, chile57 said:

Struggle is real for some.

For what its worth - I've been playing all the while with the goalie-centric CCM mask with no issues. Sure - a little inconvenient but no real issues like popping up/into line of vision or anything like that.

Honestly the only reason I notice it is because I can't take a drink through my cage anymore. 

Yeah, the no drinking thing is a no-go for me.  I get overheated easily too and spray my face with water and sweat a lot.  I don't want a wet mask on my face while playing.  They are disgusting and unhealthy enough when they are dry.

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14 minutes ago, seagoal said:

I would have played in our current season, for sure, if we could do so without a face mask.  I get emailed to sub in games about 4-6 times a week.  Apparently, they got a good bunch of teams together but many of them have no goalies and they are having a hard time getting goalies to play with these rules.

Back in the summer and part of the fall when we were able to play hockey here it was difficult for guys to get subs/goalies.

I expected to rarely get calls to fill in but I was getting them constantly. Inadvertently joined a third team because their goalie was more than happy to let me fill in for him full time. 

I imagine once things are "safe" there will be a large wave of guys ravenous to hit the ice and it won't be the same.

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31 minutes ago, seagoal said:

Yeah, the no drinking thing is a no-go for me.  I get overheated easily too and spray my face with water and sweat a lot.  I don't want a wet mask on my face while playing.  They are disgusting and unhealthy enough when they are dry.

The CCM "Game On" is really more of neoprene type material that doesn't take on water and it fits away from your face (think really only touches at the bridge of your nose). I wouldn't have a problem flipping up my lid to drink/spray my face - I'm just lazy (and more so don't trust the stripes not to drop the puck before I'm ready). Not pressing the issue just hopefully giving you some ammunition if you get tired of waiting this thing out and get the itch to play.

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2 minutes ago, chile57 said:

The CCM "Game On" is really more of neoprene type material that doesn't take on water and it fits away from your face (think really only touches at the bridge of your nose). I wouldn't have a problem flipping up my lid to drink/spray my face - I'm just lazy (and more so don't trust the stripes not to drop the puck before I'm ready). Not pressing the issue just hopefully giving you some ammunition if you get tired of waiting this thing out and get the itch to play.

I do appreciate the irony of these masks being marketed as  "breathable" and not solid enough to hold water given their purpose for existing in the first place.  It's solid The Onion material.

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More than a year now; last game was 13 March 2020. Not that I haven’t been asked since then, but just not acceptable in the household risk calculus with school aged kids and me going into work. I’m def getting the itch... even said to my wife I’ll be willing to consider playing with a mask come fall.

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Just signed up for my first shot (this coming Sunday) and the 2nd one. Just pulled the "new" gear out (only got to use it for a year before VID lockdown) so I can see it every day as motivation to get the stretching and workouts going so I can hit drop in as soon as I can. Downside, my team of 10yrs dropped me since I wouldn't play during lockdown so get to find a new team which could actually better in the long run...one that actually plays defense...hahaha...I must be crazy!!

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So out of nowhere my wife has been tapped to play in the local softball league. (She’s pretty good).Hasn’t played in a while.  She’s  5 years younger than me.  (I’m 40) Hmmm, do I play the I’m retired card or give into the itch that’s been building almost ( “to a scream”, thanks Mr. Vedder).  Is this the sign to give it another go round? I’m not trying to be Brett Favre but I’m starting to feel like the world is saying F it go for it.  

Edited by Mike24
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